Are you an expert who is sick & tired of inconsistent sales & spending more time marketing your business than helping your clients? Do you feel like the best-kept secret in your industry despite the extraordinary results you help your clients achieve? Let’s change that!
The Podcast Solution
Go from best-kept secret to go-to expert in your industry within 6 weeks
The road map to instant authority, increased visibility & qualified leads on demand for busy high-ticket coaches & service-based entrepreneurs who are ready to grow & scale with ease & flow.
I was exactly where you are right now...
As a coach facing those exact problems I described above, I spent thousands of dollars working with a sales coach who basically taught me to do launch after launch and reach out to 150 (!) new people a day on social media to generate new leads…
Needless to say, it was exhausting. And maybe even more importantly: It was NOT how I wanted to spend my days. I wanted to do what I’m great at – helping people achieve their goals – not chit-chatting on messenger all day long.
So I knew I needed to change my strategy.
I thought to myself: “I’m not a marketing guru, but I love people and I enjoy great conversations – maybe I could start my own podcast.”
A potential solution or a waste of time?
As soon as I had that idea – I immediately rejected it…
I was afraid that it would be just another big waste of time (Hint: It’s not IF you set up the right way!).
I hated public speaking and English is not my first language – I was afraid to make a fool of myself. Moreover, I’m a shy & introverted person – I’m basically the least likely person to start a podcast (Hint: You don’t have to be an extroverted social butterfly to be a successful podcast host. And most people don’t mind your accent, they even find it charming.).
I’m not a techy person and even thinking about figuring out all the new tech and a new platform felt overwhelming (Hint: It’s really not that bad – especially when you have someone who can guide & teach you and/or does these things for you.).
The AHA-Moment
Then I talked to a business coach friend of mine about the potential & pitfalls of podcasts. She told me that she had recently made 4M through her brand-new podcast – without a big audience & without running ads. My mind was blown!
So there WAS a way to make this work! And I would figure it out.
The Authority Marketing Machine
I started to study what those successful podcasters did and how they prepared their launches. I realized that they did a few key things:
1. They launched their podcasts into the charts to gain instant authority. Just like other people launch their books to become “Amazon bestselling authors”. Being a Top10 bestselling author or being a Top10 podcast host – both position you as the go-to expert in your field and give you that instant authority status.
The advantage of being a Top10 podcast host: You don’t have to spend months (or years) writing your book… You can become a Top10 podcast host within 1-2 months. Moreover, more & more people prefer podcasts over books.
2. They created a monetization strategy around their podcasts that allowed them to make actual money from their podcasts right from the start without having to grow a big audience first.
3. They had a podcasting system that helped them stay on track, repurpose their content on other platforms, and avoid “podfade” (= giving up their podcasts after a short period of time).
The Top10 Podcast Launch
I came up with a podcast & launch strategy that made sure I would get those key things right – and hit #9 in the German podcast charts (Entrepreneurship category) plus Top100 or Top200 (Entrepreneurship or Business category) in 6 other countries.
And as it turns out, it’s true that you can instantly monetize your podcast and stay consistent – IF you set it up the right way.

Claudia Garbutt
Scientist & Coach
& Podcast Host
Claudia Garbutt is the host of the Top10 entrepreneurship podcast “Wired For Success Podcast”.

Potential & Pitfalls of Podcasting
Just like most businesses, most podcasts fail…
They fail because either their concept isn’t working, they don’t attract the right audience, they are not set up to be monetized, they don’t provide value, or the hosts simply don’t have systems in place that help them stay consistent.

Who this is for:
Busy high-ticket coaches & service-based entrepreneurs who are ready to grow & scale and who want to follow a proven system and are happy to invest in premium packages that allow them to achieve their goals faster and with much more ease and fun.