Re-wire Your Brain For Success

I help ambitious, mission-driven entrepreneurs go

from overwhelmed & overworked hustlers to empowered &

confident leaders so that they can grow million-dollar businesses

without sacrificing their health, relationships, or happiness.


Book your FREE 20-minute Strategy Session NOW!

Re-wire your Brain for Success

I help ambitious, mission-driven entrepreneurs go from overwhelmed & overworked hustlers to empowered &

confident leaders so that they can grow to multiple 6- & 7-figures without sacrificing their health, relationships, or happiness.

Featured in:

Wired For Success Podcast

Within just 72h of the launch, this podcast soared into the German Top10 podcast charts in the entrepreneurship category, as well as into the Top100 or Top200 in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

Start listening right now to find out what all the excitement is about!


Listen to the Wired For Success Podcast!

On my show, I bring together the best from science, self-development & entrepreneurship to help ambitious, mission-driven entrepreneurs become confident leaders and conscious creators of their dream lives.

Come join me for powerful episodes that help you to get to that next level of success – without sacrificing your health, relationships, or sanity!


And if you feel that you’d make a great guest – you can apply to be a guest here:


Mindset coach & a scientist! The host definitely brings the best of the two worlds!

This is the go-to podcast if you’re an entrepreneur or just starting out your business.

Totally recommended!

Reem Kharbat

Wired For Success Podcast | Listen Notes

What's Your Focus Right Now?


Balance & Time Management

"I need more time, balance & headspace. I want to work smarter, not harder, and win back 1-2h/day to do all the things that light me up!"


High-Performance & Authentic Leadership

"I need more confidence. I want to ditch worry, overwhelm & busywork so that I can become the empowered, confident & authentic leader I'm meant to be!"


Visibility & Impact

"I need more consistent sales. I want to increase my authority & visibility to become the go-to expert in my industry - without spending more time, money & energy on social media!"

Hi there!

I’m Claudia Garbutt,

your specialist for developing a winning mindset & high-performance habits that allow you to create sustainable success in your life & business.


I’m Claudia Garbutt

your specialist for developing a winning mindset & high-performance habits that allow you to create sustainable success in your life & business.



For Ambitious, Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs

Are you ready to shatter that invisible ceiling and get to that next level of success in your life & business without sacrificing your health, relationships, or happiness?

Are you ready to create the impact and freedom that inspired you to start your business in the first place?

Are you ready to step into your power and confidently show up as your true authentic self to inspire & empower others?

Are you ready to ditch the procrastination, busywork & hustle and focus on building your legacy?

Are you ready to let go of the constant hustle and achieve your goals by working smarter, not harder?

Do you want to feel more energized, focused, fulfilled & connected?

If that’s you, then keep reading!

Let me introduce you to the most incredible tool:


The Power of your Brain & Nervous System

Millions of years of evolution have turned your brain into this amazing supercomputer that can process, analyse, and integrate the constant flood of information that we encounter each day. Thanks to your brain & nervous system you are able to plan ahead, solve complex problems & perform deliberate actions.

The Problem…

There’s just one tiny problem: The same evolutionary strategies that helped your brain evolve are now often holding you back because the challenges we face in our modern world have changed dramatically over the last couple of centuries. 

Entrepreneurship in particular requires you to change your brain in specific ways that allow you to stay motivated, flexible & consistent so that you can quickly adapt to new situations and thrive despite uncertainty.

Entrepreneurs who fail to adapt feel like they are stuck on a treadmill day in and day out… They might achieve great financial success but that success comes at a high cost: 

They doubt & second-guess themselves, procrastinate on important tasks, suffer from imposter syndrome, and get stuck in analysis-paralysis & perfectionism…

They chase milestone after milestone and work 24/7 to build businesses they don’t even enjoy… 

They feel burnt-out, lonely and disconnected from their peers, friends, and family – even though they originally started their businesses to create wealth AND freedom to support their loved ones…

The Solution

Evolution made us survivors – it’s up to us to go from surviving to thriving.

To get out of fear, worry, self-doubt, & frustration and to actively create the life we want to live, we need to free ourselves from old programming that no longer serves us.

There’s a lot of misinformation out there and actually a lot of popular protocols are not based on any scientific evidence whatsoever and might cause more harm than good…

If you are sick and tired of spinning your wheels without making progress; of feeling overwhelmed, scattered and stressed; you need to learn new strategies. 

It’s all about teaching your old brain a few new tricks! This is what I like to call personal evolution: Rewiring your brain and biohacking your body so that you can thrive in any circumstances.

The Good News

You are so much more powerful than you think you are!  You’ll be amazed by the incredible results you’ll be able to achieve in a short period of time, simply by reprogramming your mind and optimizing your habits. 

Leaders need support just like everyone else, and you’ll find that the more YOU are thriving, the more your BUSINESS is thriving too. Stop putting yourself last! YOU are the foundation of your business – make it a strong one.

If you’re sick & tired of DIY courses, or cookie-cutter group programs and you’d like high-level, customised support that gets you quick results, book a free strategy session to see if you’re a good fit for my 1:1 coaching program.

“The difference between peak performance and poor performance is not intelligence or ability;

most often it’s the state that your mind and body is in.”

-Tony Robbins

“The difference between peak performance and poor performance is not intelligence or ability;

most often it’s the state that your mind and body is in.”

-Tony Robbins


When I first met Claudia, I knew my life was about to significantly improve, and what a joyful experience it’s been! In just two months, I have become aware of so many little limiting beliefs that were subconsciously holding me back from reaching my goals. She provided me with everything I needed to open my mind to my potential, reframe my experiences, and charge forward with courage and confidence in my business.

Sasha Bajjo

Certified Life Coach

Mindset is essential in any entrepreneurship, and Claudia knows how the human brain works. She helps me to understand how my brain processes information and then guides me to exercise it to build my mind to success. Claudia is a great coach!

Carole Reynaud

Coach, BIEN dans ma TÊTE , BIEN dans mon CORPS

Mid-year of 2020 I found Claudia’s WIRED FOR SUCCESS FOR ENTREPRENEURS website. 

I thought “Oh well, I’m pushing 70 but why not?” and downloaded her free brain priming recording and also booked a free 20 min Strategy Session.  

Even before the end of our session, I knew I wanted to work with Claudia.  Her presence and wisdom intrigued me.

I knew as a songwriter and singer I wanted to learn more about Facebook and other platforms to market myself.  Claudia helped me ease into this.  She also has patience and techniques to help shift mindsets, habits, and old patterns. 

It really is possible to change old ways and I began to work and experience the subtle changes mostly in my self-confidence and what I had to offer to others.   

The encouragement, support, and belief in my potential are now helping me expand my business in a new exciting direction.

I enjoy and value our sessions and see the progress I’ve made. Thank you for believing in me and motivating me through all the hurdles.  It has all been worth it!

Lois Wehrle

Music Therapist & Grief Counselor, A Mother Mending Hearts

Claudia has been a joy to work with in our Accelerator program. She consistently supports our ladies and provides invaluable trainings to help overcome those internal blocks that tend to pop up when building and scaling an online business.  

Having her expertise in our group to help rewire and work through the subconscious beliefs that many don’t know exist has been invaluable and provided breakthroughs to many in our program.

 I highly recommend Claudia to work within your programs or even with you if you are feeling held back in your business and want support moving forward and hitting your goals.

Jessica Laverde

Business Coach, Jessica Laverde Coaching

The HealthTech Collective really is a special and unique group and program that Claudia has put together! I would recommend trying the system out because it works – I am now moving the needle for the first time in about a year and a half, which feels great!

Will Moore

9-figure Entrepreneur, Founder of Doorstep Delivery, Rollins Rentals & Moore Momentum

Claudia has done a phenomenal job!

Even if you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, I would highly recommend taking a look at the HealthTech Collective group and reaching out to Claudia. Because, at the end of the day, it’s really hard to do these things alone.

Chris Pallatroni

8-figure Entrepreneur, Founder of Modernize & The Standard

I was getting very specific feedback on the challenges that we’re facing at Ostrich.

We’ve since taken that feedback and really applied that to our business: We are now starting to roll out a new offering & we’re starting to get some really good feedback from our early customers. So I highly recommend Claudia – fantastic job!

William Glass

Co-Founder & CEO of Ostrich

I recommend this to any entrepreneur who wants to either start something new or who wants to take their business to the next level, because this expert guidance and this community is really unmatched!

Zein Fayyad

Creator of the BetterDo App

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