Join scientist and mindset & high-performance coach Claudia Garbutt and internet marketing legend, author & speaker Paul Getter as they talk about the power of social media marketing.
In this episode we talk about:
– How to stand out AND avoid the most common mistakes in social media marketing
– Actionable tips that helped Paul grow this Instagram account to over 1.5M followers
– How to use paid ads, funnels & podcasting to grow your business
Paul Getter is an internet marketing legend who has spent over one billion dollars running ads and campaigns for his clients, which puts him in the top 1% of ad spenders on Facebook.
Paul has over 1 million followers on Instagram. But Paul knows that platforms like Facebook and Instagram are just tools. They’re not the objective. The objective is getting results for his clients.
Just a sampling of his successes include boosting the popularity of TV shows, skyrocketing authors onto the New York Times best-sellers list, elevating Fortune 500 companies, and helping numerous A-list celebrities and small-platform personalities gain millions of social media followers.
But don’t get the wrong idea that Paul only works with household brand names or personalities who have already achieved fame and influence (such as Alex Mehr, Tai Lopez, Les Brown, Bob Proctor just to name just a few).
On the contrary, Paul is absolutely passionate about collaborating with anyone who is wholeheartedly dedicated to sharing their awesome ideas with the world. Paul works with each client in a deeply personal way.
People trust him, refer him to their friends and colleagues, and come back to work with him because he cares for them as people. Ethical to the core, Paul has declined numerous lucrative opportunities that didn’t align with his principals.
Paul is an author, speaker, and investor. His agency has spent over $1.2 Billion in paid ads. He has often been called “The Guy Behind The Guys” or “The King Maker”
Connect with Paul here:

Transcript & Time Stamps
00:00.000 –> 00:38.570 Claudia Garbutt
Welcome to the Wired For Success podcast. Your show for ambitious, mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to build million-dollar businesses without sacrificing their health, relationships or happiness. Who understand that in order to build their empire, they need a solid foundation. And that the more THEY are thriving, the more THEIR BUSINESS is thriving too.
This show brings you the very best from science, stuff, development, and entrepreneurship to set you up for sustainable success. Hi, I’m Claudia Garbutt, a scientist turned mindset and high performance um coach for entrepreneurs and I help you get wired for success.
00:38.570 –> 01:48.330 Claudia Garbutt
Hey everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of The Wire for Success podcast, where we talk about all things science, self development, and entrepreneurship that helps you get to the next level of success in your life and business. Today, I’m excited to bring you a brand new interview episode. My guest today is author, speaker, investor, marketing nerd, and the “King Maker”, Paul Getter.
Paul is an internet marketing legend who currently manages several million dollars in advertising for clients per month. And yes, guys, I said per MONTH. And who has helped scale multiple businesses into eight figures per year.
Some of Paul’s clients have included celebrities and online personalities such as Neil Patel and Bob Proctor. His clients hire him to build, optimize, manage, and run traffic to some of the best-performing funnels in the online marketing world. And today, I hope that you will share a few of his tips and strategies with us. So welcome Paul, and thank you so much for being on my show today.
01:48.500 –> 01:57.890 Paul Getter
Thank you very much. It’s my privilege. As you were reading the introduction I’m like: Is she talking about me? Thank you very much for the introduction.
01:57.890 –> 02:17.090 Claudia Garbutt
Absolutely. Paul, I read that you actually have no formal education in marketing and that your Internet marketing career began in desperation. So I’d love for you to paint a picture for us: What kind of situation were you before you discovered the power of social media?
02:17.090 –> 04:46.610 Paul Getter
Yeah, sure. So again, first of all, thank you very much for having me here. It’s an honor to be here and thank you for letting me share my story with your audience. You’re doing amazing things.
It was probably around 2008, I was one of those individuals that had a lot of different jobs. Everything from, working at fast food restaurants to the mall, delivering phone books and just doing whatever I could to make ends meet. But I was very intrigued with Internet stuff online.
And if you go back to 2008, these social media platforms were in their infancy. So I started playing around with them as a hobby and helping businesses get online and get their social media presence on there. And I think the way it started out was one of my friends was going to college and they said, Paul, you have to get on Facebook.
And I jumped on Facebook. I have to say my first impression was like, this is for kids. I don’t have time to play around on this. Back in those days, it was like Farmville and just silly games. But I saw businesses were putting Facebook pages out there for the business, and I put a page out for our church. And I remember a couple of weeks later, I went to church, and I saw this family there. And I went up to them like, how did you hear about us? And they said, oh, we saw you on Facebook. And it was like light bulbs went off. These are like real people. There are real people here. I realized that there was an opportunity for businesses to utilize social media in a way that they could gain customers and clients. Insane!
Now it’s like people would say, uh, duh, yes, of course they can do that. But this was back years ago when people weren’t really doing it, and there was a lot of hesitation. I don’t want to waste time and everything. So the term social media marketing and agencies and stuff – it didn’t even exist at that time. So I started initially reaching out to businesses such as mom and poppa restaurants and stuff, saying, hey, you need to be online, and you can get more customers if you get online. And I guess you would say it kind of snowballed from there.
04:46.610 –> 05:04.530 Claudia Garbutt
I love that story. And I remember that for me, I was always the person who didn’t want to be on social media… I didn’t want to have a Facebook account. I was like, why would anyone want to do that?
05:04.530 –> 06:20.482 Paul Getter
That’s how it was for me. I thought, okay, this is going to be a hole that I’m sucked into. I’m going to be wasting time. But yeah, it did initially just kind of begin as a hobby. And then I saw opportunity to connect with local businesses and say, hey, for $50 a month I’ll help you manage your social media. I’ll tell you what I did is I would go to just say, a restaurant, and they would have on their menus or on their door or something like that, their name, and the little social media icons. And then I would go to it, and I would look at their Facebook page, and I would see, okay, they haven’t posted anything in six months. They’re not active on it. They just made a page, put a couple of posts up, and then forgot about it. I saw that as an opportunity because number one, they realized it was important to be on social media. They realized it enough to put little stickers on their door or the menu, follow us on Facebook, and hope somebody did it. But they didn’t have the time or the experience or whatever it might be to manage it. So I said, hey, I’ll manage it for you. Just pay me $50 a month. And it became a pretty easy side hustle from there.
06:20.676 –> 06:46.090 Claudia Garbutt
That’s a great strategy. Maybe you can dig a little deeper into your journey. So can you maybe describe your journey from someone who had just discovered the power of social media to becoming someone who has now spent over 1 billion and again, guys, that’s billion with the b dollars running ads and campaigns for your clients, and who has over 1 million followers on Instagram? So how have you been able to pull this off?
06:46.200 –> 11:12.740 Paul Getter
I don’t know. Yes, it is a journey. We’ve talked about this before the episode started. About a lot of times people say, okay, here’s the success. But there was a whole lot of failures, mistakes, and doing the wrong things before I started achieving some type of success. I remember there was this when Facebook first started doing ads – and now again, I’m saying things and it’s kind of like, people say, yeah, Facebook ads. But Facebook didn’t always have ads. It used to be a platform without ads. And when it started, I started playing around with it. And Facebook reached out to me and said, hey, we need some people to help test our ad platform. And so actually, they would give me a budget that I could play around with like fun money, and they would give me credits to run ads. And they’re like, tell us what your feedback is. And so I started playing around with ads. And when Facebook launched their ad platform to the public, they started doing things like when you would start a Facebook page, there would be a little button that would say, do you want to grow your audience? Click this button and you clicked that button and it would autopopulate an ad for you. And it would start running and you would go onto your Facebook and see oh, I grew 20 followers today. And it was because of those ads.
Well, the challenge with these autogenerated ads that Facebook made available to people is they were horrible, they weren’t done right. It was just like, it would grab your profile picture and put it into the ad, and it would have tech that didn’t make sense, but people didn’t know that. So what I would do is I would scroll through Facebook and I would see those people that had pushed that autopopulate to grow their Facebook page. And I would send them a message and I’d say, hey, I see you’re running ads to grow your Facebook page. How’s that going? And they didn’t know if it was good or bad. They’re just like, oh, I’m getting 20 followers a day, 50 followers a day. And then I would say, if you don’t mind me asking, how much are you spending? On average, people were paying anywhere from seventy-five cents to one dollars a follower. If you knew how to run Facebook ads in that day, you could get followers on your Facebook page for a penny.
I would say to them, let me manage your ads for free for two days, and you don’t have to pay me anything. We’ll just see how it goes. And they said, okay – deal! Well, if they gave me $5, I could take the other $15 if they were spending $20 a day. And that was my profit. And I was getting them hundreds of followers. So that’s how it started to turn into a business. Like, okay, I’m making money.
And I remember one day, someone called up, and they were doing some type of conference. And I started helping them grow followers and run ads for a conference. And I went to their page, and I noticed that they had a lot of celebrities that were attending this conference. And I was like, this guy’s pretty important. I started really giving him everything I could and just, like, going over and beyond. And I remember he sent me a message. He’s like, hey, Paul, I know a lot of people in Hollywood that are wanting to grow through social media. Would you be interested? I’m like, yeah, I’d be interested! And from there, I remember a month later, I’m sitting down at a table with Kevin Hart, having dinner with Kevin Hart, going out with celebrities and stuff. And it was just the power of relationships, understanding that when you give and serve others, it was more than just business, man. It was an opportunity for me to connect with people and build relationships. And next thing I know, I’m doing big things.
11:12.740 –> 11:34.610 Claudia Garbutt
Amazing! So there’s a lot of strategy. So you figure out what people struggled with, right. Finding their pains or finding the gaps, bridging the gaps – but also maybe a little bit of lack, just connecting with the right people.
11:34.610 –> 13:10.790 Paul Getter
Absolutely. I think that in success is a journey. Number one, when I first, started doing this, I was this shy reserved guy that wanted to stay behind the scenes. I was working with big names. I was working with celebrities. I was working with a lot of these big Internet entrepreneurs. And I wanted to kind of, like, stay behind the scenes, for a couple of reasons. I didn’t really want people to figure out what I was doing, because years ago now – it’s kind of funny, it’s like, everybody is an Internet marketer, everybody is a social media marketer today – but back then, I remember I was building these big social media pages and following that, I was just doing organically. I could take a page from zero to a million in, like, three or four months. Growing it with just content. The organic reach was completely different back then. And so I would have big companies message me. I would have movies message me. Hey, will you promote our content? Will you help us grow? And so I remember this guy launched a course, and he said, we’re going to teach you how to manage ads. And I remember when I saw this, I was like, there’s other people that know how to do this?? It was, like, so shocking to me. But I think I made the mistake initially of just trying to stay to myself, trying to stay behind the scenes. And I missed a lot of opportunity to connect with people because I just wanted to stay behind the scenes and didn’t want anybody knowing what I was doing.
13:10.790 –> 13:20.214 Claudia Garbutt
Yeah, I can totally relate to that. I’m an introvert myself, so sometimes it feels just more comfortable. So stay in your late and stay behind the scenes, right?
13:20.252 –> 13:21.950 Paul Getter
Yeah, absolutely.
13:21.950 –> 13:39.230 Claudia Garbutt
But has this journey changed you as a person? So maybe you can tell us a little bit about the challenges that you had to overcome and what tools, techniques, and strategies you found most helpful for dealing with those challenges?
13:39.230 –> 15:27.590 Paul Getter
Yeah, so I think a couple of different things. Early on, there was this: I was doing a lot of work, and what I mean by that is I was figuring things out quickly, and I looked at my journey, and it went from making a couple of hundred a month, $500 a month, and then clients start coming in. And although it felt very fast, it was probably over a couple of years that it grew. But I went from a side hustle to I got 20 clients, 30 clients. And I was still treating it in my mind like, this is my little side hustle. But I got 20 clients. I needed help. So I found myself working 15, 20 hours a day. I had clients around the world. I remember one of my first big clients was in Nigeria. And so I would have to get up at 03:00 in the morning to do meetings with him, and I’d go back to sleep. And so I found myself doing 15, 20 hours a day, go to sleep, and then wake back up and do this, because I was still trying to treat this as my little side hustle. And I realized quickly, I cannot sustain this. I don’t want to sustain this. Hiring your first employee is always like this, oh, do I want to do this? Because in your mind, you’re like, okay, I’m making X amount of dollars now. I need to take a piece of that and give that to them. You know what I mean?
15:27.590 –> 15:29.070 Claudia Garbutt
I know what you mean.
15:29.240 –> 17:55.710 Paul Getter
You convince yourself, I’m going to make less money now. You know what I mean? I’m going to have to make some sacrifice. But I remember doing that, and this is a principle that has really stuck with me. I kind of made a spreadsheet of all the things that I’m doing that anybody could do. I think that there are things that only I can do, or it’s best that only I do at that stage of the game. Me connecting with the clients, building relationships on calls with them that was more important than other things I was doing things like making content, posting content. I was doing things like that instead of hiring someone to design the content and post the content. Now, it’s cool they’ve got software that you can design the content in and then schedule it out. But back then, we didn’t have the luxury of these softwares. If I had 20 clients, I had to make their content, and then I had to manually post everybody’s content. So imagine all the time that I was spending. So I made a spreadsheet of all of the things that I could teach someone to do that would be easy for them to do, that they could do, and the things that were best that I focused my attention on. And so what happened is there is as far as the income that I was bringing in personally, it dropped because I had to hire someone. But what I saw is, four or five months later, I was able to manage more clients. I was being more efficient, and I was maintaining my sanity. I was sleeping. I was enjoying doing what I was doing a lot more. That’s something that I do on a periodical basis: I will look, are there things that I’m doing that I could teach someone to do, and they could do it and give me more free time in doing the things that are best that only I do?
17:55.710 –> 18:29.550 Claudia Garbutt
Yes. Delegating and outsourcing and automating is definitely something that’s really important. But sometimes what I see is that even though there are some tasks that you might be able to outsource or delegate, it’s something that you really enjoy. And when people give that away, that might not be a great strategy. So you have to be really strategic about that. And sometimes, even if it could be done by someone else, but it gives you a lot of joy to do it yourself, maybe you want to keep it on your plate?
18:29.550 –> 18:42.382 Paul Getter
That’s very good advice because there are things that I find myself doing that, yeah, someone could do it, but I enjoy doing it, and it kind of gives you that excitement. You want to hold on to that.
18:42.382 –> 19:01.030 Claudia Garbutt
Yeah. Now, I have a fun question for you: If you could have a giant billboard anywhere, what message would you want to put on it? Whom would you want to see it? And why is it so important that those people see and understand your message?
19:01.030 –> 20:57.190 Paul Getter
I posted a question like this to my audience a couple of years ago. And this was the question, which I think it’s very similar to your question. My question was: If you could telepathically send a message to everybody in the world, and everybody would hear that, almost like a very audible voice, what would that message be? It’s funny, because I got thousands of answers, and some of the answers were like, buy Bitcoin, and things like that. Some of it was like, follow me on Instagram and that kind of thing. So everybody had a lot of different answers but there was a common answer that I saw, and I think it resonated with me. And it’s something that would maybe be life-changing for some people. And the answer was that people kind of collectively said was: You are loved. And I thought about that, and I think that there’s probably a lot of people that fell that there’s an emptiness, there’s an incompleteness, because they don’t feel loved, they don’t feel valued. And I believe in this world that everybody holds a value and a purpose in their life. And regardless of where you are in life, you might feel unloved, you might feel like you have no value, but you are loved. You are important. There are people that depend on you. Life is fragile and you need to understand that you are loved.
20:57.190 –> 21:01.106 Claudia Garbutt
Oh, that is such a great message to share! Thank you so much!
21:01.228 –> 21:01.766 Paul Getter
You’re welcome.
21:01.828 –> 21:05.702 Claudia Garbutt
So important for people to hear over and over again.
21:05.776 –> 21:08.590 Paul Getter
Yes, absolutely.
21:08.590 –> 21:20.870 Claudia Garbutt
What are some of the most important and maybe surprising and counterintuitive lessons that you have learned about social media marketing so far?
21:20.870 –> 23:34.790 Paul Getter
You know, when it comes to marketing and online marketing, there’s a buzzword that people use a lot, and it’s disruptive. You need to be disruptive. And that is very important that you are disruptive, because people are scrolling. People are going from one platform to another. And so you have to do something that grabs their attention, that catches them, that pulls them in.
Now, here’s the challenge: Disruption always has different cycles. And what I mean by that is, I remember when, again, I was one of the first individuals running ads on Facebook and these major platforms. So I remember we would test things. We’re like, hey, this is doing really well. And we would run ads. Like, there was a day that we would make an ad and we would put red borders around to grab people’s attention. Well, once we started doing that, it was doing really well. But then all the other marketers, they would start seeing that, and they would do it too. They put up red borders. Well, now that every ad that you scroll through has a red border around it now it’s no longer disruptive.
So you change it up and you do something else, and you use this style. And then people start saying, oh, that really catches my attention. I’m going to do the same thing with my ads. And it becomes saturated. Everybody’s doing the same thing. So disruption has cycles. Like, you might see things or discover things, that this really works and it starts working. And then people start to emulate it or imitate it. And what was working six months ago is no longer working, because everybody is copying it. So look, you’ll see, there are trends that people do content in a certain way, then everybody else starts doing it, then they change it up. So I think it’s important that you continually evolve your content. And whatever you’re doing, you always ask yourself, is this catching people’s attention? Is this really pulling them in? Is this making the connection with your audience?
23:34.790 –> 23:57.894 Claudia Garbutt
That’s a great tip. And I think that’s one of the things that makes social media marketing so frustrating and exhausting for so many people because they have to keep adapting and changing. It’s not like, I discovered the one strategy that works once and forever. It’s like at some point it stopped working. And now I have to start from square one.
23:58.052 –> 23:59.570 Paul Getter
23:59.570 –> 24:17.210 Claudia Garbutt
Taking those lessons into account, what are some of the biggest mistakes that you see people make that stop them from reaching more people on social media? So the one thing that you just mentioned is just not standing out, right? But what are other big mistakes?
24:17.210 –> 26:16.770 Paul Getter
This is funny. This is called social media. Social media. The biggest mistake people make is turning it into media and not social media. I hear clients or coaching students, they’ll say something like this: They’ll say, I only get ten likes on my post. I always respond, how many likes are you giving? How many posts are you liking? And normally, the answer is something like what they’re doing is they’re posting, and they’re just expecting everybody to come to them, like their post, comment and stuff. But they’re not reciprocating. They’re not practicing what they want to happen.
So I think it’s important that you make social media social. You connect with people, you build relationships. You’re sending messages, you’re responding to comments. You’re engaging with content that really resonates and connects with you. It’s more than just putting up something and hoping that something happens. There has to be engagement on both parties. Personally, I make a practice of it.
It’s funny how people message me or I’ll comment on their posts, and they are like, Is this really Paul? And I’m like, yeah, it’s really me. And I’ll get into arguments with people. This is not really Paul. This is a virtual assistant. This is a bot. I have to pull out my phone. I’m like. This is Paul. This is really me. I think regardless of what level you’re at, how long you’ve been doing this, how many followers you have, my motto is, I treat everybody like they have 10 million followers. I don’t care. Your value is not based upon how many followers you have. So engage with people, connect with people, make social media social.
26:16.770 –> 26:31.230 Claudia Garbutt
I love that attitude, and it’s so important. But I see so many bots and virtual assistants and so much going on there that I do understand why some people think that it’s not the real you.
26:31.230 –> 26:58.050 Paul Getter
Full transparency: I have virtual assistants that help me out with engagement and responding to messages. But I don’t solely depend on that. I do engage and connect with people. And I’ve met amazing people just making a comment on their posts and they send me a message and like, build relationships, do business, and everything like that. Just by being social on social media.
26:58.050 –> 27:22.910 Claudia Garbutt
Absolutely. And I mean, so many people become obsessed with just growing the numbers, growing the numbers of followers on various platforms. But how much do those big numbers actually matter? So do they really make a big difference or are they just vanity metrics? Maybe you can share a client story that illustrates how those numbers translate into actual tangible results for their businesses?
27:23.090 –> 30:13.270 Paul Getter
Yeah, so I think that there’s probably pros and cons and people that would say, yes, numbers matter, or no, numbers don’t matter. I can tell you I have a client that you wouldn’t know. They’re not popular on social media, they’re not verified, they don’t have millions of followers or anything like that. But their product service does a million dollars a week. Million dollars a week. So when we started with him, he had 1000 followers. You know what I mean? The power of paid ads and running ads on various platforms kind of makes it a level playing field. Like, you don’t need a million followers if you’re running paid ads. The value of having a lot of followers is that you’re kind of building this community that you can connect with and you can always be engaging with them, you can hear from them, obviously. You can sell your products and services to them. So it is kind of like you’ve got this community, this organic audience that you can connect to. But it is dangerous thinking that just because you have a million followers that you’ve got it because the algorithms change.
There used to be a day that if you had a million followers, you would post something, you’d get a million likes. Literally. I remember having pages that had 200,000 followers and when we posted on it, we would get 200,000 likes, comments, and it was crazy. So now every platform, because they want to do ads and have a clean timeline, they squash organic reach. So there is a danger in thinking, okay, I got a million followers, I’ve got it made. That’s not always the case. So I think there’s probably something to be said about the vanity metrics. Because whether we like to admit this or not, if you have a product or service and someone looks at your competitor, their social media, and they have 100,000 followers and they look at yours and you have 500 followers, in their mind, they’re coming to a conclusion simply based upon the following number. Whether we like to admit it or not, they probably do that. So I think it is important to recognize there is some value in having a certain amount of followers. But if you don’t have good content, you don’t have a real connection with the audience, then the amount of followers really doesn’t matter.
30:13.270 –> 30:28.518 Claudia Garbutt
Yeah, so it’s mostly the social proof that you’re building up there, right? So now let me know why it’s important. What’s the secret sauce that allows someone to build this huge following on social media? Let’s say, on Instagram, for instance?
30:28.614 –> 30:29.830 Paul Getter
30:29.830 –> 30:31.142 Claudia Garbutt
What should I do?
30:31.336 –> 34:52.970
Okay, so I have a little formula. I called clap. C-L-A-P. Clap.
First of all, you’ve got to have good content. Regardless of everything else you just got to have good content. Content that adds value, content that connects with people. Content that inspires, motivates, educates, makes them laugh. I always tell people, when it comes to your content, you got to think this: When people wake up in the morning, they should be saying, oh, I wonder what Paul posted today. I want to check them out. So it’s like that type of content that would really connect with people. So, number one, you got to have good content.
Then number two, there is this strategy called loops. So you can actually build a network of people that – let’s say you want to do a giveaway, you’re going to give away some books or some type of price – well, you can actually build a loop of people that will all promote this giveaway and tell people to share this tag. And you got to follow these people if you want to be entered into the giveaway. I’m sure people have seen those before a lot of times. The big celebrities, they do these, individuals in the hip hop industry, they’re known for doing it a lot. But it’s a way that grows your following. With all of these methods, there’s pros and cons, because really what you’re doing is you’re getting an untargeted audience that would follow you based upon I want to be a part of this giveaway loop. So that’s loop.
CLA – ads. So you can actually do adds to grow your following. I’ll give you an example of an ad that I’m doing for a page that I’m growing. So I have this travel page that has really cool, amazing travel content and beautiful locations and stuff. Well, I have another page that is just kind of like an entrepreneur page. What I do is I post content on this page over here of beautiful locations and travel. And then I say, hey, if you’re looking for a page that has amazing travel content, you have to go check out this page and I tag it, and then I run ads. You can do it right on your phone. Just boost it. And then I target people that are interested in travel. So you’re scrolling through to see this beautiful travel location, and it’s going to say, hey, if you’re interested in pages where you can see other travel content, give this page a follow, and they click on it, and then they follow this other page. That’s a really great way to get targeted followers from people. It’s not the cheapest way, but it’s a good way to get good quality targeted followers.
So that’s a then p for partnerships. This is kind of like the old tried and true way of finding pages that are similar to your audience that you want to connect with, partner with them and say, hey, for $100, will you shout out my content to your audience? And you make that relationship, they shout you out, and then those followers go to your page. Another cool way to do it is find people on Instagram, similar audience, and partner with them. Go live on Instagram. Cool thing about that is like, let’s say you have 10,000 followers, I have 10,000 followers. We go live, we have a fun time, and engage each other. My audience is seeing you, your audience is seeing me. And there’s an overflow, there’s an overlap. Your followers start following me, my followers start following you. It’s a great mutual exchange.
So that’s content, loops, ads, partnerships – CLAP. And at the end of it, I always require people to clap.
34:52.970 –> 35:06.318 Claudia Garbutt
Those are great tips! Thank you so much for sharing. And I guess that the same rules pretty much apply to other platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn as well, right?
35:06.464 –> 35:07.550 Paul Getter
35:07.550 –> 35:52.850 Claudia Garbutt
So we already talked about this a little bit, but what are your thoughts on organic versus paid traffic? So, I guess as someone who has been over one 2 billion or something, on paid ads, you’re an advocate for paid traffic, but how should people think about this? When is the right time to think about using paid traffic? And what kind of offers should they create ads for? So you already mentioned, like top of funnel offers to build their lists, or is it a good strategy to use ads for paid middle of funnel offers that help them finance those ad campaigns? Or what strategies have you seen that produce the highest ROI?
35:52.850 –> 39:48.410 Paul Getter
Yeah, so I think the answer for that would be based upon where a person can financially find themselves in this. Because if you’re doing top of the funnel, there is a slower process. First of all, I am an advocate of getting all of your followers off of social media. And what I mean by that is, if you’ve got 1000 followers on Instagram, you need to get 1000 emails, you need to get a thousand phone numbers, you need to get as many as possible because I’ve heard horror stories of people wake up and their social media has been hacked, or it’s been shut down, it’s been banned, or whatever.
So you want to build a list offline that you can send text messages to, you can send emails to, and continually connect with your audience. But if you’re looking at a top of the funnel, there is a journey that people have to go into. Let’s just say I’ll give you an example: I’m a firm advocate of book funnels. I’m sure we’ve all seen Free Plus Shipping book funnels, where the ad is: Get my book for free. Just pay shipping and handling. And on the average, what you see a funnel like that is it’s going to be self-consolidating, or it’s going to be a lost leader.
And what I mean by that is you’re going to break even. You’re not going to make any money on it, or you’re going to lose a little bit of money on it. So it’s kind of challenging to tell people, hey, start running ads where you’ll make no money or you’ll lose money. That’s kind of like, no, not interested. But if you can show them, okay, by week one, seven days later, you should be able to profit $5, by 14 days $30, 30 days, $200. So that’s kind of a journey that people have to understand that there is a process, and this is building relationship. So it’s not a direct ROI, day one. That’s one method of running ads.
If you’re running ads for a book funnel, you might spend $50 or maybe $25 and make $25. So it’s a low barrier of entry here. So let’s say if you can budget $25 a day, you should be getting one lead a day. So a lot of people can budget that. Let’s go into something that is high ticket, where you’ve got a coaching program course. Well, that’s going to be high ticket. Let’s say $5,000. Well, at that point, you’re going to have to spend a lot more to acquire a conversion. You might have to spend $2,000, but you could potentially make $5,000. So you see how there’s a difference. You tell someone, okay, spend $2,000, and like, well, I don’t have that, but, okay, spend $25 a day. Okay, I can do that. But there might be other individuals who say $2,000 a day, I can make $4,000 – I think I can do that. Or I’m just using numbers. Hypothetically speaking, we’ve seen, spend $2,000 and you make $3,000, or you make $2,500. Obviously, the goal in spending ads is spend less than you make.
39:48.410 –> 39:50.322 Claudia Garbutt
That would be ideal, right? LOL
39:50.516 –> 39:52.550 Paul Getter
That’s the goal.
39:52.550 –> 40:06.642 Claudia Garbutt
That’s the goal. Yeah. Thanks so much for sharing that great information, because I think that a lot of people might struggle with this these days. They try to get all their leads organically. And as you know, organic reach is down.
40:06.776 –> 40:07.858 Paul Getter
It is tough.
40:08.014 –> 40:43.130 Claudia Garbutt
It is really tough. So another strategy that I’ve heard works really well for many people is using paid ads to send people to a podcast interview like this one, rather than a webinar or something similar, because it already positions them as the authority and go to expert in their field. And it’s not salty sea. It’s not like, buy this stuff now, right? It’s storytelling and storyselling. So what are your thoughts on that? Is that a strategy that you use with your clients too?
40:43.130 –> 42:24.770 Paul Getter
Absolutely. So here’s the thing again, one of the key things when it comes to Internet marketing and online is what worked yesterday may not work today. So there used to be a day when it was like it was like direct response. Like, you could put your product or your service in front of people. Here it is a nice ad. And then they would be like, oh yeah, awesome, buy.
Now you have to really build a relationship with people. I always say it’s kind of like a dating process. There used to be a time where it’s just like, hey, we meet, we get married and you buy. You know what I mean? But now there’s a dating process. There’s a building relationship. There’s establishing that know, like, and trust in the relationship before you ask for the sale. I think it is when people get to know you, there comes a natural position where they’re like, will you sell me something?
You don’t even have to ask for the sale. It’s like you’re just being you and they know who you are and you’re building that relationship where they’re just like, hey, give me a product. Or I see online events are very valuable too, where people can really get to connect with, you know, your stories and stuff. But yeah, it’s definitely evolved from like, one ad, see your ad today, buy today. Now people have to get to know you and build relationships with you.
42:24.770 –> 43:15.454 Claudia Garbutt
Yeah, I’ve totally seen that over the last few years as well. So how much of a role does podcasting play in your client’s marketing strategy? I’m just curious because I heard on one of Tim Ferriss’s episode on his podcast, I remember that he shared that his podcast or going on different podcasts was the number one way for him to sell his last book or books. So podcasting was the best strategy. I know he’s a numbers guy, so he does lots of different things, and then he analyzes and sees what works best, right? So he found that podcasting was the number one strategy that helped him get the word out and sell his book. So is that something that you have seen too with your clients?
43:15.502 –> 44:32.550 Paul Getter
Yeah. So look at this: I remember when I was growing up as a kid, I wanted to be like, on the radio. On the radio. There was different radio programs that they would have call in and make your request. And you would call, in and say, I want to listen to suchandsuch song. And sometimes they would record you. When you would call in, they would record you requesting the song and you’d be listening to the radio. And they’re like, hey, we’ve got Paul Getter here on the phone from Naples and what’s your request? And you’d be sitting there listening, oh, that’s me, that’s me, I’m on the radio! And it was just like you wanted to tell everybody you were on the radio. And it was like a day that young kids would aspire to be a DJ on the radio or have a radio show. Now, the power of the podcast is just like, this is your own radio program. You’re a rock star, you’re on a radio. So, yeah, honestly, I think the beauty of podcast versus radio is that when you listen to radio, it’s gone, right?
44:32.550 –> 44:33.058 Claudia Garbutt
44:33.144 –> 45:19.230 Paul Getter
But with podcast, it’s there. And people might listen to this podcast four months down the road for the first time, and it’s evergreen. It’s always out there. I’m a firm advocate of getting as much content as possible out there. I did a podcast with a young boy in Nigeria that was eleven years old, that had a podcast in, I think his father’s garage, him and his buddy and stuff. And it was just like it’s an amazing way to build a relationship. It’s an amazing way to get your message out there and yeah, people to hear your story and get to know more about you.
45:19.230 –> 45:54.990 Claudia Garbutt
Yeah. And I think the other good thing about it is it’s kind of like an insurance policy for when things go south on social media. Because I’ve just talked to a friend today whose Facebook account was shut down from one day to the next. So what if you have built your business on that Facebook page, right? It’s gone from one day to the next. You might have this email list, which is a good thing. But if you have your podcast, you also have another platform that you can build relationships on and get your content out.
45:54.990 –> 45:56.850 Paul Getter
45:56.850 –> 46:06.630 Claudia Garbutt
So, last but not least, where can our listeners connect with you online? Would you like them to follow you on Instagram, LinkedIn, or go to your website?
46:06.630 –> 46:39.730 Paul Getter
Yeah, so my main platform that I’m on, we’ve kind of mentioned it, is Instagram, and my Instagram handle is Paul just P-A-U-L, verified account. Give me a follow there, send me a message. If they say they heard me on this podcast, I’ll give them a digital copy of one of my books and just send me a message saying, hey, you heard me on this podcast, on Wired for Success podcast, and I’ll make sure you get a digital copy of one of my books.
46:39.730 –> 46:41.950 Claudia Garbutt
Thank you so much!
46:41.950 –> 46:43.270 Paul Getter
You’re welcome.
46:43.270 –> 46:58.538 Claudia Garbutt
And I’ll make sure to include the link to your account in the show notes. Again, Paul, thank you so much for being on the show today. And for sharing all those gold nuggets with us. It’s been a pleasure talking with you and I learned a lot today!
46:58.684 –> 47:02.050 Paul Getter
Thank you very much. It’s been my honor.
47:02.050 –> 47:04.938 Claudia Garbutt
Thank you and talk to you soon. Bye.
47:05.094 –> 47:06.670 Paul Getter
Bye bye.
47:06.670 –> 47:44.042 Claudia Garbutt
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