Join scientist and mindset & high-performance coach Claudia Garbutt and executive & leadership coach/consultant Julie Noonan as they talk about mindset, confidence, change, and leadership.
In this episode, we talk about:
– Finding the confidence to reinvent yourself
– The mindset shift to help people overcome their resistance to change
– What makes a good leader?
Julie Noonan is an Executive Coach for women who believe in living lives of unapologetic authenticity, candor, integrity and humor. Julie helps women in business lead with the wisdom of the matriarchs: persevere, nurture, thrive. She tells you the TRUTH, even when it stings.
Julie has more than 30 years of executive-level experience in coaching and consulting and is passionate about changing the conversation around ageism as discrimination – particularly after having been laid off twice in her 50’s.

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