Join scientist and mindset & high-performance coach Claudia Garbutt and science researcher and writer Jeremy Sherman PhD as they explore the mysteries of consciousness, language & the human experience.
In this episode you’ll learn about:
– The hard problem of consciousness
– Meditation, psychedelics & higher states of consciousness
– The role of language for experiencing your subjective reality
Jeremy Sherman, PhD is a cradle-to-grave science researcher and writer studying the unbroken chain from the origins of life from chemistry to humankind’s grave situation today.
He’s the author of the Columbia University Press book Neither Ghost Nor Machine: The emergence and nature of selves but also 1000 articles with 9 million readers for Psychology Today on everyday practicalities, including how to deal with Total Jerks.
For 25 years, he has been a close research collaborator with Harvard/Berkeley neuroscientist Terrence Deacon.
His latest book is called “What’s up with Assholes? Advanced psychoproctology for beginners. Sherman’s all about making advanced ideas intuitive, practical, and funny, because from a natural science perspective because the human condition is pretty ironic.
You can find him here:
Latest book

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